Descriptive statistics describe the basic features of the data. It simplifies and summarizes large data in a meaningful and sensible manner. Descriptive statistics, however do not allows us to make conclusions beyond the data we have analyzed, it is simply a way to describe data. Typically there are two ways to describe the data statistically :- Measure of central tendency :- These are the ways to describe the central position of a frequency distribution. This can be described using mean, mode, median. Measures of spread : - These are the ways of summarizing a group of data by describing how spread the scores are. As an example, mean score of students in a class will be 70, but not all students will have scored 70, few may have scored less and few as more than 70. Measures of spread summarizes how spread out these scores are. This is mainly described by range, quartiles, absolute deviation, variation and standard deviation. In this post, measures of central tendency...